I am a computer science graduate from the University of Malaya, with a Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence). I am very thankful to undergo a six-month internship at Moneylion FinTech as a Data Scientist. This internship and training had been an eye-opener to me to learn about the FinTech industry.
As a software engineer, I aim to create delightful products to users; And as a data scientist, I have great passion in finding meaningful patterns and surfacing relationships in the data.
When I am not in front of a computer screen, I am probably listeninig to music, learning to sing, or doing exercise to keep myself fit.
Built with the Flutter framework, this app uses reminder and rewards to nudge the users towards building a long-lasting habit.
Built with the Flutter Web framework, this responsive web app currently serve 2000+ researchers and manages the top drawer proposals that are submitted to the Institute of Research Management University of Malaya (UMR).
Created to bring awareness to the Flutter framework via a workshop. The workshop walk the participants through in creating the Sticky Notes app from stratch.
The National Young Economic Summit (NYES) Game Challenge, built with Flutter, requires players to compete with other in-game nations. Players have to manage the nations' macro-economy and trade with other nations to get ahead of the game.
An unofficial UI/UX redesign of the AppClub's Internship application with intuitive layout that serves information that are relavant to users on the home screen.